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  • lizberwick1980

April 2023

Updated: Dec 19, 2023

Welcome Wild Wisdomers to the fourth month of our journal. We are so pleased that you have decided to join us and journey along with us throughout the seasonal flow of the year.

As you use your journal, you'll find monthly seasonal offerings which you can access by following the link in the journal. April's is below! You may also like to sign up to our newsletter at the top of the page to make sure you don't miss out on the latest news, offers and extra offerings. We also have a lovely Facebook Community that you are invited to join.

April Offering

Now that the clocks have gone forward, we are waiting for the frosts to pass.

This is the time for planting seeds, and welcoming back the brightness of yellow dandelions bursting through the pavement cracks.

Mother Nature is singing her song of renewal all around.

Take time to connect with nature with a walking meditation with Susanna

Password: Awaken

Why not get yourself out into nature and take some time just for you with Susanna's walking meditation. Just pop on your headphones and land on the Earth, ready to soak up some of that Spring energy.


Here is a delicious seasonal recipe from Liz for you to celebrate the season with.

Our Spring plant is the dandelion. The humble dandelion is one of the first plants to appear at the start of spring.

You may well start to see appeals over social media not to pull your weeds in early spring to help the newly emerging bees find nectar in these scarce months. As spring hits her stride, dandelions seem to pop up everywhere. It really is a survivor of a plant and can grow almost anywhere- popping up in lawns, between cracks in paving, in full sun or darkest shade. I too, used to find it a pesky weed and would dig it out at any opportunity and cringe when the kids would blow dandelion clocks over my flower beds. I have now come to love it.

Liz and Susanna's Spring read

Feeling bone-tired, anxious and overwhelmed by the rolling news cycle and the pandemic age, Katherine May seeks to unravel the threads of a life wound too tightly. Could there be another way to live - one that feels more meaningful, more grounded in the places beneath our feet? One that would allow us to feel more connected, more rested and at ease, even as seismic changes unfold on the planet?

Craving a different path, May explores the restorative properties of the natural world and begins to rekindle her sense of wonder. It is a journey that takes her from sacred wells to wild moors, from cradling seas to starfalls. Through deliberate attention and ritual, she finds nourishment and a more hopeful relationship to the world around her.

Enchantment is an invitation to each of us to experience life in all its sensual complexity and to find the beauty waiting for us there.

With love,

Liz & Susanna


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