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  • lizberwick1980

February 2023

Updated: Dec 19, 2023

Welcome Wild Wisdomers to the second month of our journal. We are so pleased that you have decided to join us and journey along with us throughout the seasonal flow of the year.

As you use your journal, you'll find monthly seasonal offerings which you can access by following the link in the journal. January's is below! You may also like to sign up to our newsletter at the top of the page to make sure you don't miss out on the latest news, offers and extra offerings. We also have a lovely Facebook Community that you are invited to join. We are hoping to expand our offerings during the coming year. Watch this space. And make sure you check in each month for your seasonal offering, or click the button below to receive the offering direct in your inbox.

February Offering

As the light begins to slowly return, it is the end of the day that gives us a glimpse of brighter times to come. Why not wrap up warm and chase the sunset... Either take a drive or walk as the sun goes down, or if you have West facing garden, grab a hot water bottle and cup of tea and snuggle up and watch the glorious skies unfold.

This month we are celebrating Imbolc on 1st February, the first whispers of spring.

We are now at the half-way point between Solstice and Spring Equinox. It is a gentle turning point on the way towards Spring. In our menstrual cycle, this would be represented around day 3 or 4. We are still deep in Winter, but can feel slight energy shift. Imbolc marks the mid-point of Winter and the first whispers of Spring rising. Even though we are still very much in the darkness, light is slowly returning and we can see snowdrops peeking through.

After months of hibernation and rest , deep down the life is beginning to stir again. It is still winter, and the call is still to rest, but we have the promise of Spring in the coming weeks.

It can feel a conflicting time of year, as the yearning to rest may be strong still, or perhaps the Spring energy is pulling you forward into productivity. As with all thresholds, the challenge is to stay slow and step through it consciously. We have plenty of time to hang out in the safe container of winter and just peek out to see what’s next.

It’s natural to resist leaving warm, comfortable space in order to stretch into who we are becoming. But this is a time to feel into doing just that. Just as nature is beginning to awaken from its winter sleep, so too will your spirit begin to reawaken with dreams and vision for the year to come.

Change and evolution are not always comfortable, even if they are wanted and needed! Be gentle with yourself, there is no rush….

Here is a delicious recipe from Liz for you to celebrate with.

According to the old traditions of food magic, making this Blackberry Buttermilk Cake on St Brigid’s holy night will strengthen the powers of the sun, nourish the fertility of the earth and enhance abundance, prosperity, healing, vibrancy and good health for all.

We have put together some more lovely suggestions of how to celebrate this turning towards the light.

Includes a relaxing yoga nidra, bath ritual , playlist and journaling promps...

Find out more here .

With love,

Liz & Susanna


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