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RELEASE - Autumn Equinox

Autumn Equinox

Autumn Equinox is point of perfect balance on the journey through the Wheel of the Year. Night and day are of equal length and in perfect equilibrium – dark and light, feminine and masculine, inner and outer: all in balance and harmony.

At this point, the year is now waning and at this moment dark begins to overtake the light in the sky. The natural world is drawing inwards, days are becoming shorter and the Sun is cooling.

The change of seasons is a perfect opportunity to pause and reflect - to review your life, your Self, and any growth and changes you’ve gone through over the year so far. We can see ourselves echoed in Nature’s flow, and appreciate that there is a time for all things.


In mythology, Mabon is the time when the God of Light was defeated by the God of Darkness, resulting in longer nights. In Celtic folklore, Mabon is the son of Modron, the Great Goddess of the Earth, who was kidnapped for three days after his birth making light go into hiding.

I like to imagine the Autumn Equinox as the time of transition when the Cailleach (the Crone Goddess) steps up to her throne. When she takes her seat upon the Hay's Chair to rule over the season of winter -Tara Wild

In ancient times Mabon was a week-long celebration of the second of three harvests (Lammas being the first and Samhain the last) when farmers gathered hearty foods like pumpkins, grapes and apples.

It is a time to give thanks for the abundance of Mother Earth - both literally and spiritually. It’s also a good time to reflect on the Wheel of the Year, recognising your successes and letting go of the things that did not serve you during the past twelve months.

We are also coming to the end of this lunar cycle too, hanging out in the liminality of the dark moon phase. The final whispers of the changing season and ending of cycles, helps us to really feel nature calling us to step through this transition into the next phase. And times like these are not always comfortable. We may feel resistance to letting go or perhaps struggle with the ending. Witness and give yourself time to feel the shift. There is no rush.

The seasonal cycle is on the move. Everywhere around there is the mixture of life and death; the greenery of plants still in flower, and the dying off and letting go of what has flourished. Nature is making a steady shift inward. The trees begin to drop their leaves, drawing the energy inside. We're beginning to spend more time inside, as the air gets cooler. Over the next few months our focus will steadily turn more inward after the outer focus through spring and summer. We are being called, through nature’s lead, to spend more time in self-reflection.

The Autumn Equinox is the time of the harvest. When people lived more closely connected to the Earth, and grew all their food, this was the time of year they’d celebrate the summer’s abundance. We too can begin to look at our projects and creations, to see how far we have come and where we have grown.

Reflect on the things you have put energy and effort into over the last few months, and how they have perhaps born fruit.

The Autumn Equinox is one of only two days throughout the year when the Earth is in perfect balance. That makes it an ideal time to examine balance in our own lives- where our balance point lies, are we rocking it, or out of alignment.

In Autumn we are drawn to the balance between life and death. Everything is dying all around us. And that death is necessary, in order for new life to grow in the spring. Nature shows us how to let go of our ‘leaves’, old patterns and habits that maybe no longer serve us.

We have put together some lovely suggestions of how to celebrate ...

Journal Prompts

  • Count your blessings, what have your received this year?

  • What have you accomplished?

  • How have you grown?

  • What are you ready to let go of?

Autumn Equinox Rituals

A lovely way to celebrate Mabon is with a warm hearty meal, with perhaps apple crumble for pudding! (Click the link for Liz's recipe). You might like to place some seasonal sunflowers in a vase, and bring some acorns and pine cones in from outside. Watch the sunset and light a candle. If you have chance to be outside, lighting the firepit at dusk is a lovely way to gather and feel the warmth of the fire beckoning you to your own inner hearth. Speak out your gratitudes, and cast away anything that has had its time.You may also want to dream in some new intentions for the coming season.


Here is a Nidra to enjoy over this Autumn equinox. Recorded by the campfire, welcoming you to acknowledge the transition into autumn.

Just click the image to access.

Liz and Susanna's Autumn Read

We are beyond excited to share this long awaited book with you all. Wise Power shares how the initiatory path through menopause unfolds something in us, and awakens us to our power, and purpose.

Alexandra & Sjanie have been dreaming in and writing this book for a long time, and finally it is here! Congratulations to Red School – it is, of course, brilliant!

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